Tokimura Junichi

Tokyo, Japan

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How would you describe your art?
My art unfolds a distinctive artistic expression by collaging paper colored with acrylic paint. These pieces evoke nostalgia and portray tranquil scenes that bring a sense of calmness to the heart.

What inspires you?
I frequently draw inspiration from everyday life, utilizing the scenery in my neighborhood or from my travels as my primary motifs. Additionally, I find that ideas often emerge during weekends when I peruse magazines of various genres in bookstores.

Can you speak about your process?
My process consists of four steps. Firstly, I create a pencil sketch.  Secondly, I transfer the sketch onto drawing paper and meticulously cut each part with a cutter.  Thirdly, I apply vibrant colors to each section using acrylic paint.  Finally, I meticulously assemble all the pieces, bringing the artwork to completion.

How did you become interested in art?

I had a passion for arts and crafts during my childhood, but as I got older, the demands of studies and work took precedence,  causing me to set aside these creative pursuits. It wasn't until the pandemic forced many of us into remote work that I found myself with more free time. Returning to the joy of arts and crafts became a delightful way to revisit the creative enjoyment of my childhood.

Do you have any favorite artists, movies, books, or quotes?
My favorite artist is Alex Katz. I love his bold use of color and compositions that capture everyday moments. I often refer to his work as inspiration when creating my own art.


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