Poogy Bjerklie

Queens, New York


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How would you describe your work?

I paint landscapes that are of my deeply embedded memories of my native Maine, where I grew up. The Maine landscape is indeed, the biggest influence on my work. My paintings have a mysterious and meditative quality to them. They evoke the spirit of a landscape, real or imagined. I try to express the feeling or spirit of the landscape rather than being concerned with accurately depicting and rendering objects.

What inspires you?

A gray day, treetops, bodies of water, reflections in water, all kinds of music, listening to stories that make me laugh.

Can you talk about your process?

I am pragmatic, intuitive, and improvisational. I approach each painting in it’s own unique way. Sometimes I’ll put a lot of color on my pallet other times I may just put out three colors and limit what I use and see where that takes me.

How did you become interested in art?

It was my freshman year in high school probably around the age of 13. I was lacking a class for my first semester. The headmaster of the school recommended that I take an art class. The art teacher was fantastic and very challenging and exposed me to different forms of art, painting, sculpture and design. I became obsessed with wanting to make things.

Do you have any favorite artists, movies, books, or quotes?

Some favorite artists: Ralph Blakelock, Alexander Wyant, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Albert York, Rufus Porter, Winthrop Chandler.

What advice do you have for younger artists?

Be patient and don’t quit!


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