Mark Hernandez

Manila, Philippines

Social Media

How would you describe your work?

The core essence of my artistic creations lies in a deeply personal manner, rooted in the wellspring of my emotional and profound life experiences. My art transcends the boundaries of mere visual representation, as it delves into the rich and vivid compositions of the figurative expressionist style. My approach to painting is inherently subjective, focusing on the intricate facets of human lifestyle and the complex psychological landscapes that define us. In my work, I often center my attention on the perspective of a young boy, drawing from my own life journey to infuse authenticity into my art. This approach allows me to convey the evocative and introspective nature of my work, creating a powerful connection between the viewer and the emotions I seek to portray. For me, human beings are an endless source of inspiration. I find myself continuously drawn to explore the contemplative aspects of our existence, the vulnerabilities that make us human, the intricacies of our sexualities, and the multifaceted process of identity formation. Through my art, I strive to capture the essence of these deeply profound human experiences, inviting viewers to engage in a reflective and emotional journey of self-discovery and understanding.

What inspires you?

My creative process thrives on the exploration of diverse sources, and at its core, lies the importance of maintaining an open mindset. Within this vast landscape of potential inspiration, three distinct sources of inspiration profoundly shape and influence my artistic expression. To begin, nature stands as an indispensable muse that never fails to captivate my senses, within the harmonious interplay of colors, the intricate patterns, and the sheer wonder of the natures that I often experience epiphany. These experiences in nature serve as a catalyst for the revelations that set up my mood and mold my artistic compositions. Another pivotal role in my creative journey is films. It possess a unique power to transport me into their narratives, enabling me to forge deep connections with its narratives and elements portraying various emotions that couldnt quantify through verbal expressions. In such instances, I find a deep wellspring of inspiration, as I endeavor to translate my personal thoughts and emotions into the language of art. Lastly, my fascination with human behavior serves as a rich source of creative influence. As a naturally introverted artist, I am drawn to observing rather than actively engaging with people. The subtleties of human actions and reactions, the intricate interplay of emotions, and the underlying psychology of individuals provide a tapestry of insights. This deep exploration of human behavior significantly informs my artistic ideas and influences my ability to encapsulate my observations and reflections within a single, impactful work of art.

Can you speak about your process?

As a self-taught contemporary artist, my creative process melds intuition with experimentation. I begin with mindful conceptualization, where I envision the composition's emotions and message. My eyes and hands harmoniously work together to indulge critical aspects , refining the vision. Then, I meticulously sketch each element separately, merging them into one cohesive canvas. After rigorous studies, I create an undertone painting to set the mood, followed by outlining and color palette preparation. I derive immense satisfaction from the slow, deliberate progression, emphasizing patience and consistency in my art, ensuring each piece reflects artistic craftsmanship and a deep connection to the creative journey.

How did you become interested in art?

My love for art has remained steadfast since my childhood. Even though I didn't inherit any artistic influences from my family, I was fortunate to grow up in an environment that nurtured creativity. I vividly remember a time when I was deeply immersed in poetry, excelling at the very young age which introduced me to the world of visual arts. It was when I was on the edge of  seventeen that I made a wholehearted commitment to embrace and nurture my creative voice, a journey that I continue to pursue passionately to this day. This enduring passion for artistic expression has been a constant thread throughout my life, a source of inspiration that has evolved and grown over the years. 

Do you have any favorite artists, movies, books, or quotes?

A quote that has remained close to my heart for a long time, extracted from Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," reads, "Burning every bridge except the one that leads to the thing that sets my heart on fire." This quote has been my guiding light, urging me to relentlessly pursue my passion and carve out my own space and time to thrive as an artist. The continuous refinement of my art has been influenced by various artists whom I deeply admire.

One such artist is Alan Feltus, an American-based painter, renowned for his self-portraits and figurative paintings of women. His pursuit of perfection in his work has left a lasting impression on me. Similarly, Marcel Antonio, a Filipino painter, serves as an exemplary figure whose vivid and profound compositions have fascinated and inspired my own artistic journey.

In the regards  of film, I find deep resonance with coming-of-age genre movies that explore themes of curiosity, identity formation, and longing. Films like "Lady Bird" by Greta Gerwig, "Basketball Diaries" by Jim Caroll, and "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky have touched me profoundly and left a lasting impact.

What advice do you have for younger artists?

I still consider myself young at heart, and I believe it's essential for me to offer guidance to young individuals. If you're yearning for something akin to what I've experienced, I encourage you to hold onto it unwaveringly and never cease to explore it. Along your journey, remember the importance of embracing your uniqueness and not allowing anyone or anything to extinguish your inner flame. Embrace every circumstance, whether it challenges your mind or aligns with your desires, and let them guide your path. Be willing to be vulnerable and delve into your deepest depths, for it is there that you may discover hidden treasures you never knew you possessed from the very beginning of your life.

Any more thoughts about art, creativity, or anything else you would like to share?

I just want to say, art is a mere reflection of thought, experiences and imaginative creations. It need not always be instantly recognizable to be known, nor provide explicit narrations to comprehend. All you have to do is to be vulnerable, let it permeate you as a being,  to stir internal conflicts and resolutions, and then let it go.


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