Karam Arteen

Montreal, Canada

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How would you describe your work?

My work spans subject matter from figures, to landscapes, to still life, always with the goal of creating thought-provoking and beautiful pieces. I intentionally embrace a crude art style to push the boundaries of traditional techniques and create something truly unique. 

What inspires you?

Movies, and photography, I don’t rely on live models for his paintings or sculptures. Initially, I’ve aimed to deconstruct popular images of heroic men by reinterpreting recognizable, macho poses associated with iconic celebrities like Marlon Brando, Brad Pitt, and Robert De Niro.

Can you speak about your process?

Through the use of Acrylic, oil sticks, and oil, applying intense colors, I aim to capture the essence of my subject matter in a way that is both powerful and captivating. Whether I work with figures, landscapes, or still life, my ultimate goal is to create works that are both beautiful and thought-provoking.

How did you become interested in art?

My passion for drawing and watching movies started at a very early age as early as three years old, capturing the attention of my family and teachers, gradually I found that this is my super power so I was getting away with anything by doing art. 

Do you have any favorite artists, movies, books or quotes?

Favorite Artists: Rose Wylie and Thomas houseago

Favorite Movies: Fight club and Shutter Island

Favorite Book: The power of habits

Favorite Quote: “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

What advice do you have for younger artists?

Develop a thick skin for rejection, read and research the market , develop connections it’s all about connections.


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